VT9a – Gozdni orkester / Forest orchestra

(Gozdovi so pljuča Pekla)


Ptice dajejo gozdovom značilno zvočno podobo.

Pomemben del biotske pestrosti naših gozdov predstavljajo ptice. S svojim načinom prehranjevanja pomembno uravnavajo število škodljivih žuželk ter skrbijo za raznos semen in plodov. S petjem označujejo svoje ozemlje in opozarjajo nase, ko iščejo partnerja. Pojejo predvsem spomladi, le taščica prepeva vse leto.

V gozdu so posebej zanimive ptice duplarice, ki si na trhlih drevesih svoj dom ustvarijo v duplih. Le v njih lahko vzredijo svoj zarod. Zaradi sečnje in pomanjkanja starih dreves z dupli so nekatere duplarice ponekod ogrožene. Pomagamo jim z nameščanjem gnezdilnic, ki nadomeščajo naravna dupla.

V gozdovih v okolici Pekla boste lahko najpogosteje poslušali ali opazovali ščinkavca, taščico, veliko sinico, kanjo, lesno sovo, velikega detla, brgleza, liščka in kukavico.

Ptičje petje je najintenzivnejše v jutranjih urah. Nekatere vrste prepevajo le eno melodijo, slavček uporablja več kot 200 različnih melodij. Pravi virtuoz pa je rjavi oponašalec, ki živi v Severni Ameriki in prepeva preko 1100 različnih melodij. 




Birds give forests their typical sound.  

Birds are an important part of the biodiversity of our forests. With their feeding habits they make a significant impact on the number of insects and distribute seeds and fruits. By singing they mark their territory and make themselves noticed when seeking mates.

Cavity-nesting birds are especially interesting, as they dwell in cavity nests in rotten tree trunks. In some areas, cavity-nesting birds are endangered due to logging and the lack of old trees with cavities. We help them by placing nesting boxes that replace natural cavities in trees.

In the forests around the Pekel cave you will most often hear or see finches, robins, great tits, common buzzards, tawny owls, great spotted woodpeckers, Eurasian nuthatches, European goldfinches and the common cuckoos.

Birdsong is the most intense in the morning hours. Some species only sing one song, while the nightingale has a repertoire of over 200 phrases. A true virtuoso is the brown thrasher, which lives in North America and is noted for having over 1100 different song types.