Drevesa so najvišja živa bitja na našem planetu.
Vsako drevo v gozdu ima svojo zgodbo, usodo in življenjsko pot. Ko se ta zaključi, postanejo odmrla drevesa hrana in življenjski prostor za številne druge organizme. Iz drobnih semen lahko zrastejo mogočni orjaki, kot je smreka pred nami, najvišje drevo ob poti. Visoka je 34 m, kar je toliko kot enajstnadstropni nebotičnik. Najvišje drevo v Sloveniji je sicer Sgermova smreka na Pohorju, visoka kar 62 m.
V »zgornjih nadstropjih« zelenih nebotičnikov, v krošnjah, poteka v listih izdelava hrane za rast dreves. Pri tem so potrebni voda z raztopljenimi mineralnimi snovmi, ki jo drevo črpa iz tal, ogljikov dioksid iz zraka in energija v obliki sončne svetlobe. V procesu fotosinteze nastajata kisik, ki se vrača v ozračje, in sladkor, ki ga drevo uporabi za prehrano.
V krošnji odrasle bukve vsako leto zraste okrog 700.000 listov. Iz njih dnevno izhlapi več sto litrov vode, s kisikom pa obogatijo okrog 45.000 litrov zraka. Hektar bukovega gozda vsako leto pridela kisika za 100 ljudi in trajno shrani 9 ton ogljikovega dioksida.
Trees are the tallest living beings on our planet.
Every tree in a forest has its story, destiny and life path. From tiny seeds, mighty giants can grow, such as this spruce here, the tallest tree along the path. It is 34 m tall, which is as tall as an eleven-storey skyscraper. The tallest tree in Slovenia is the 62 m tall Sgerm spruce at Ribnica na Pohorju.
In the “upper storeys” of the green skyscrapers, in the canopy, food for the growth of the trees is produced in leaves. It takes water with dissolved mineral substances that the tree draws from the ground, carbon dioxide from the ambient air and energy in the form of sunlight. The products of the photosynthesis process are oxygen, which returns into the atmosphere, and sugar, which the tree uses for food.
In the canopy of an adult beech tree, around 700,000 leaves grow each year. Every day, hundreds of litres of water evaporate from the leaves, and they oxygenate about 45,000 litres of air. Every year, a hectare of beech forest produces enough oxygen for 100 people and permanently stores 9 tonnes of carbon dioxide.