VT3 – Bogastvo gozdov / Gifts of the forest

(Gozdovi so pljuča Pekla)


Gozdovi pokrivajo približno tretjino Zemljine površine in predstavljajo največji in ekološko najbolj zapleten kopenski ekosistem.

So eden najpomembnejših obnovljivih virov snovi in energije na Zemlji in človeku nudijo neizmeren vir surovin. V preteklosti so bile cenjene predvsem proizvodne vloge gozdov, ki so bile povezane s pridobivanjem lesa, plodov, zelišč in lovom divjadi.

Danes se zavedamo, da največje bogastvo predstavljajo nematerialne vloge gozdov, ki jih sicer težko ekonomsko ovrednotimo. Gre za ekološke vloge, ki bistveno vplivajo na kakovost našega bivanja. Gozdovi blažijo vplive podnebnih sprememb, shranjujejo ogljik, čistijo zrak in zagotavljajo pitno vodo. Ohranjajo biotsko pestrost, zmanjšujejo moč vetra, varujejo porečja in ščitijo tla pred erozijo.

V današnji vsakodnevni naglici so vedno bolj cenjene tudi socialne vloge gozdov. Z možnostjo oddiha, sprostitve, rekreacije in turizma, nam gozdovi nudijo kakovostno preživljanje prostega časa v zdravem okolju.

Za slovenske gozdove je značilna velika biotska pestrost. V njih raste 71 avtohtonih gozdnih drevesnih vrst – 61 vrst listavcev in 10 vrst iglavcev. Čeprav so naši gozdovi dobro ohranjeni, je v njih še vedno ogroženih 47 rastlinskih in 92 živalskih vrst.

Življenjski prostor za živa bitja  /  Living space to living beings


Forests cover about one third of the surface of the Earth. They represent the biggest and ecologically most complex land ecosystem.

They are one of the most important renewable sources of energy on Earth. In the past, the production role of the forests was the most appreciated, involving the acquisition of wood, forest fruits, herbs and game hunt.

Nowadays, the primary role of the forests is non-material, i.e. the ecological role, which has a significant impact on the quality of our life. Forests mitigate the consequences of climate change, store carbon, purify air and ensure drinking water. They maintain biodiversity, reduce the power of wind, protect river basins and protect the ground from erosion.

People increasingly appreciate the social role of the forests. Giving us the opportunity for relaxation, rest, recreation and tourism, forests offer quality time in a healthy environment.

Slovenian forests are characterised by their remarkable biodiversity, including 71 indigenous tree species – 61 species of deciduous and 10 species of coniferous trees. Although our forests are well-preserved, there are 47 plant species and 92 animal species that are endangered.