Varovalni gozdovi varujejo in ohranjajo ekološko ravnovesje tam, kjer je še posebej občutljivo in ogroženo.
Strmo pobočje nad jamo Pekel porašča gozd, ki ima izrazito varovalno vlogo. Takšno vlogo opravljajo gozdovi, ki v zaostrenih ekoloških razmerah varujejo svoja rastišča in s tem sebe ter nižje ležeča zemljišča. Z gosto prepletenim koreninskim sistemom in krošnjami dreves ter obilnim opadom gozd preprečuje ali blaži učinke erozijskega delovanja vode, vetra, snežnih in zemeljskih plazov ter padajočega kamenja. V gorski krajini opravlja pomembno vlogo zaščite bivališč pred nevarnostmi, ki prežijo s strmih pobočij.
Gospodarjenje v varovalnih gozdovih je povsem podrejeno ohranjanju in krepitvi varovalne vloge. Pri tem s pospeševanjem pestrosti drevesnih vrst skrbimo za ustrezno strukturo in dolgoročno stabilnost gozda.
Varovalni gozdovi predstavljajo dobrih 8 % površine vseh slovenskih gozdov. Voda lahko tla zelo hitro spere, kar 10.000 let pa traja, da ponovno nastane 1 cm prsti izključno s preperevanjem matične kamenine.
Protecting forests protect and maintain the balance where it is particularly delicate and threatened.
The steep hillside above the Pekel cave is covered by a forest that has a significant protective role. In severe environmental circumstances, protective forests protect the forest sites and the land below them.
With their dense root systems and canopies they prevent or mitigate the effects of erosion caused by water, wind, snow avalanches and landslides, as well as falling rocks. On mountainous terrain they have an important role of protecting homes from the dangers lurking from the steep hillsides.
Protection forests represent a good 8% of the surface of all Slovenian forests. Water can erode forest floors rapidly, but it takes as much as 10,000 years for 1 cm of soil to be formed by weathering of the parent material.