The Green Gold Fountain

First Beer Fountain in the World

The Green Gold Fountain is a tribute to the hop growing heritage of the Lower Savinja Valley and Žalec, which is the hop-growing centre of Slovenia. Slovenia is also the fifth largest producer of hops in the world and hop is the “spice” that gives beer its distinctive flavour.
In Žalec we wanted to connect the history with today and set the foundations for an appealing tourist story for the future. The Green Gold Fountain is the result of these efforts.

The story of the fountain began in 2014 at the initiative of the then president of the Association of Tourist Societies of the Municipality of Žalec, Mr. Matjaž Omladič. The original idea encouraged the Municipality of Žalec to start looking for an architectural solution in the very same year at a design competition. From among six proposals, the Municipality selected the architectural concept designed by the company RC Planiranje. In the next year the preparations began. The project group was appointed which dealt with many challenges and solved them successfully. The construction of the Green Gold Fountain started in April 2016 and the opening ceremony will take place on 6th September 2016, on the anniversary of the second all-Slovenian national meeting from 1868, which is a holiday of the Municipality of Žalec.

The beer fountain is positioned in the town park, in the town centre, next to the marketplace. The   architectural design is a symbolic hop flower, which is expressed as two semi-circles; one a beer fountain and the other a water fountain. The semi-circles are clad in copper lace, symbolizing beer foam.
The fountain was built by the company Remont, and the technology was supplied by the company Etra.